Friday, January 15, 2010

Kitwe, Zambia

Today we drove about 400km (240 miles) north of Lusaka. You take the Great North Road from Lusaka, and then just drive, until you have to take the East Road. We’re told you could take the Great North Road all the way to Cairo. I don’t think I’d want to try it.

That said, it was a pretty good road. Paved all the way, and actually had enough room on it for cars in each direction without feeling like you have to share. I’m always amazed at the number of people walking and riding bicycles along the shoulder of the highway, particularly the number of children. Some are probably as young as 4 being chaperoned by older siblings. Cars travel on this road at speeds of 60 to 70 miles an hour. It’s a bit scary when you drive at that speed by children playing.

Our drive was uneventful, except for the event at the pay toilet at the road-stop. Someone should really tell us that the nicely dressed lady at the door was collecting money to give you the priveledge to use toilet paper and flush. I thought she was just waiting in line. We got it all straightened out though, and continued on our way.

Kitwe is the second largest city in Zambia. Many people are employed here to work in the copper mines. We drove by one today. I’m going to have to do more research on this. From the road, it looks like a giant black mountain. I don’t know exactly why it looks like that. There are several mines in this area, and in fact the whole northern region is called the Copperbelt.

Our hotel is nice. Small rooms, but they have a fan, TV, and a shower. Can’t ask for more! It is a bit odd though to sit under a mosquito net watching cable TV and working on the wireless internet. Seems like one of these should not go with the other.
Tomorrow, we’ll see more of the area around Kitwe, as it is a working Saturday. More to follow then!

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